Software and code that might be usefull for others
File (21 KB)
Language Java
Description A simple parser for datastructures in CSV-format. It accepts structures as described in RFC4180. However, check the comment in the source about what is recognized as a valid CSV-structure by this parser.
File (ZIP-compressed, 4519 KB)
Language Java
Description This is a tool implementing various complexity-metrics for event-driven process chains as descriped in the literature. It extends the plugin for Eclipse EPCTools (Version 2.0.3), a plugin to model and simulate event-driven process chains. However, the tool can also run as standalone-program in batchmode, getting the models in the EPML-format, and can easily be adopted to accept other formats. References to the literature of the metrics are given in the documentation of the tool. If you are nosy about complexity-metrics, check out the publications at the e-Business/Telematic-chair of the University of Leipzig/Germany as well as
File (ZIP-compressed, 6 KB)
Language Java
Description This is an implementation of an algorithm by Donald B. Johnson to find all elementary cycles in a directed graph (Donald B. Johnson: Finding All the Elementary Circuits of a Directed Graph. SIAM J. Comput. 4(1): 77-84 (1975)). The implementation is pretty much generic, all it needs is a adjacency-matrix of your graph and the objects of your nodes. Then you get back the sets of node-objects which build a cycle.

Frank Meyer, email: web_at_normalisiert_dot_de